- 90层精心设计由浅入深的谜题。
- 多人线上模式让玩家挑战谁人能用最少步数完成3个谜题。
- 设有进度计让玩家检视目标进度。
- 支援多重点击,玩家可同一时间移动多个圆点。
- 5种不同难度的随机谜题。
- 高解像度Retina画面。
"The game idea is pretty strong and the execution is also very well done. It can be very tough at times, but if you are the kind of guy who loves to take on challenges, give Tangled a shot." 9 / 10 TheAppleGoogle
「游戏无论在意念及执行上都是上佳之作。如果你是喜欢挑战难度的玩家,绝对值得一试这个充满考验的游戏。」9 / 10 TheAppleGoogle
5/5 "Awesome - Congrats on a simple yet really fun game!" nobre
5/5 「棒极了!恭喜开发商造出这一个简单但充满乐趣的游戏!」nobre
5/5 "One puzzling and challenging game - The replayability of this game is outstanding!. Not only do you have 20 puzzles that are enough to keep you puzzling away for hours, but it also generates leveled puzzles randomly. the interface is easy to understand, yet the game is difficult to master. Excellent." Luis Villalta
5/5 「一个充满挑战的游戏- 游戏的耐玩性非常高,除了20个已经令人废寝忘餐的关卡外,还有不同难度的随机关卡。游戏介面清晰易明,但关卡却绝对不容易。十分推介!」Luis Villalta